Initially, I began this project thinking about particles which can move in time. Reading quantum mechanics and studying infinite decimals gave me hope that all things exist forever. Maybe all particles live on in entanglement.
I thought about the slow deterioration of the mind. People disappear, get more opaque. It starts with innocence – a childlike quality of curiosity and sensitivity.
In the film installation, I strive to show a connection between beings, something that bridges the gap between each individual solitude.
This connection is something we seek throughout our lives. Whether with other people or with nature, we're looking for a touchstone. Something to moor us to our lives. To an infant, to be in a caregiver's loving arms with eye contact brings a sense of well-being and security. The gaze can be one of the most powerful, tender and intimate acts between two people.
Windows, mirrors and portals appear throughout the film. Within are shown reflections, shifting appearances, memories, and possible futures. Generations intersect, cross and separate.
Linear time breaks down —the past, present, and future overlap. The veil is associated with rituals that mark time, and that which is hidden. There are possibilities, hopes, lost hopes – potentiality.